Once again, I am linking up with The Belles of Saturday to share my Gameday pictures from this past weekend. These will be my last football pictures for a while because, sadly, we don't have another home game until November. We played Central Michigan and won. I just hope it wasn't our last win of the season... It looks like we just might be focusing on our tailgating for the rest of the year.
Baby Will decked out in his State gear! (He, and Ellie below, are the kids of my boss from when I worked at the football office. How cute are they!?)
Ellie! |
Go Pack!! |
Baby Will's first football game!!! |
with Mr. Wuf! | | | | | | | | | |
Below are two pictures of things I didn't get pictures of that are noteworthy from our game.
Scott McCreery sang out national anthem!
In honor of our late women's basketball coach, Kay Yow, and breast cancer awareness, our coaching staff wore pink shirts and they had special jersey's made with pink letters. I thought this was AWESOME!