Hello my nautical friends! Due to being incredibly busy, I have neglected my little blog here, but I plan to start showing her some TLC again starting right now.
I have still been reading and keeping up with your blogs, and plan to get back to commenting soon!
Here's a look at my summer so far: (Okay, so I know it's technically not summer yet, but it is in my book and in the south!)
My bff Carmen came to Raleigh! |
Then I went to Wilmington to visit her |
and while I was there I met the largest. dog. ever. |
Then I went to Morehead City |
and went fishing with the boys |
and because we attempted to fish in tropical storm force winds, I had to rock this men's XL rain jacket and Patagonia fleece over my bikini and tshirt because we were getting so wet from the water coming in the boat |
I've gotten to socialize with my best friends! |
and as you've seen in these pictures, I have been rocking my nautical gear in full-force. |
More to come on this tunic tomorrow! |
and I've gotten to do some boating, which is one of my most very favorite things to do! |
Tomorrow I am doing a product review for one my most very favorite tunics (and trust me, I own and have tried on a lot!)
I hope the start of your summers have been great! I am going to be posting about some of my new nautical finds ASAP!