Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blair Waldorf's Eyeshadow

Recently on Gossip Girl there is one thing that I have been loving.  It ain't the storyline, it isn't Serena trying to be Gossip Girl, and it CERTAINLY isn't Dan and Blair dating (I mean really....why do they think we like this? and PLEASE Dan, cut your hair, I cannot deal with your scraggly, wanna-be-literary look much longer)  

The thing I am loving about Gossip Girl is Blair Waldorf''s amazing eyeshadow.  I mean that girl could make anything look good, and I'm sure she's been rocking colored eyeshadow the whole time the series has been on, but I just now am really noticing it.

I love the look of the purple color below.  But I am about 100% sure that if I tried to rock it I could not pull it off like she does.  I mean I have purple eyeshadow at home, you know the ones in those large eyeshadow pallettes, that I have NEVER dared to touch except maybe for Halloween, but after seeing her rock it, there is a good chance I might be trying it soon. 

and here is another recent example of Blair's fabulous eyeshadow.  It's hard to see here, but this golden color was really pretty and popped on TV. 

I am very close to emailing Possessionista to see if she can find out what colors these are!!

Have y'all ever tried bold colors of eyeshadow?  If so, help a sister out!  Which ones are good?


Rebecca said...

really love the 2nd look!

Lindsay // Vineyard Loveknots said...

I have been thinking lately how great her makeup is too!! Please email Possessionista.

Kate said...

I noticed her eye shadow too. I think it would love weird on me but I love the trend.

Dan's hair is gross. I personally think Dan and Blair are a lot like Rachel and Joey on Friends. The flirting/chemistry was there but then as soon as they became a couple it just didn't work. I thought Dan and Blair were cute as friends last season (even when they kissed to see if something was there). But now I just don't see any chemistry!

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

I've noticed that too! Her eyemakeup was amazeballs for the wedding episode. It makes me want to watch youtube videos about how to do your makeup.

Ashley said...

i havent watch GG in FOREVER but i did tune into 1 episode and saw they were dating...and i couldn't handle it so i turned it off. but yes... B's eye shadow is AMAZEBALLS!

Anonymous said...

any of the bold colors by MAC are awesome! they have a similar purple color

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