Another perk of market is that, even as an exhibitor, you get some of the same benefits as buyers. Before my flight on Monday, I headed back into the mart to walk around and to scope out some of my favorite brands. I also came across some nautical brands that are new to me (more on those to come!) When I got to the 7th floor, which contains some "cash and carry" jewelry sores, I made a beeline for a store called Golden Stella. This is one place where a lot of our favorite online boutiques get some of their jewelry from. Below are some pictures from my day -
Starfish necklace |
View of just one little section of this store... |
Loads of necklaces and earrings |
starfish scarves |
coral necklaces! |
coral cuff |
This was a different store. Also with very pretty stuff! |
I, of course, loved this! |
and this... |
Below are pictures of the showrooms for some of my favorite brands. I didn't have much time, so I didn't get to very many
This is a little blurry, but this was the Gretchen Scott showroom. Nautical tunics galore! |
The Lilly showroom had already closed down when I made it past there. But I still had to get some pictures. |
This is one of my favorite brands, Malabar Bay. There is kind of a funny store behind me getting to see their showroom. It was in a different building than the apparel market is in. and I wasn't exactly supposed to go to the other buildings. But, of course, in pursuit of getting to see their new seahorse pattern in person, I ventured over to building two and gave a big smile to the security guard before heading upstairs. I totally looked out of place, being that the building is basically empty when it's not market time, but I made it! |
The seahorse pattern I wanted to see is hanging up top... Loved it! |
In the next couple of weeks I will be showing y'all a few new (nautical, of course) brands I came across at market!
Oooh, this would be so fun! I love Gretchen Scott!
Oooh, this would be so fun! I love Gretchen Scott!
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