Big thanks to Ashton at
Soulshine for passing this along to me!! I really appreciate it! Here are 7 random, possibly interesting things about me...
1. I've been a vegetarian since I was in the 1st grade. This is UNUSUAL for SEVERAL reasons. First, I grew up in the counnn-try, surrounded by tobacco, soybeans, and corn. To this day, I am probably the ONLY vegetarian that was born and raised in the county I grew up in. My parents and sister eat meat for every meal, so no, they didn't make me this way, it was all me. Believe me, they tried their hardest to get me to eat it, I just never liked the texture or taste of meat. and no, it doesn't both me when people eat meat around me (I get asked that all the time.) Secondly, I am PRO-HUNTING. Yes, you read correctly. A vegetarian that is FOR hunting! Hunting doesn't bother me, I just don't want to eat it. If we don't kill the deer, they will kill us. I also am a republican, pretty conservative, and definitely not a member of PETA, so this might make it a little unusual as well... One more strange thing about this is that I don't really like vegetables.. I am more of a carb-atarian... but that's a discussion for another day.

2. I LOVE fantasy football! Like am obsessed with it. I have major anxiety on Saturdays and Sundays before 1pm during football season trying to make the perfect decisions for my team. At the end of the regular season this past year, I was tied for first with two other guys, which means I was better than 9 other guys. Pretty good for a girl! (Don't ask me about the playoffs though, didn't go so well...)
3. My dream is to have a line of nautical-inspired clothing and accessories one day, but this dream is going about as well as my dream to be the brown-haired Erin Andrews... I can't draw or sew, sooo I need to work on that before I can have my own line :-) I have all the ideas in my head and even a name, I just can't produce it....yet...
4. I am freakishly good at finding and researching things on the internet. My friends call me the Google Queen.
5. I want to learn how to scuba dive ASAP. I want to see how the fish, coral, and seahorses live. I shoulda been a mermaid...
6. I like watching TV more than the average person. I watch about as much TV as a hermit does, but somehow still manage to work and be social, my DVR is always at 90 something percent. Me and my best friend Carmen make spreadsheets at the beginning of every new TV season so we can be sure we don't miss anything and to be sure our DVRs can record everything. I don't, though, watch Jersey Shore or any of the Housewives series.
7. I love rap music just as much as I love country music. Always have. I can go from George Straight to T-Pain to Usher to Jason Aldean and not skip a beat
So now you know a little bit more about me, I guess I am a pretty random person :-)